Tell me .. Bhaji makes the plants that make the essence, people of the taste crazy, you will also do TRAI knowing the benefits

Tell me .. Bhaji makes the plants that make the essence, people of the taste crazy, you will also do TRAI knowing the benefits

Agency:News18 Madhya Pradesh

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Nimar Famous Food: Amari’s Bhaji is eaten a lot in Nimar. It is also a custom to eat Amari leaf in your dal. Know the specialty of this plant from Ayurvedacharya of Khargone …


Bhaji of Amari.


  • Amari’s Bhaji is popular in Nimar
  • Amari leaves full of medicinal properties
  • Iron and minerals are rich in Bhaji

Khargone. Culture, dialect and folk arts of Nimar, not only the dishes here are also very special and unique. On the one hand, in cities, where people like to eat fast food like pizza, burger, people in the villages of Nimar zone including Khargone still give importance to traditional food. The Bhaji of Amari is also one of them, which people here eat with great fervor. According to Ayurveda, the Bhaji of Amari is not only wonderful in taste, but is also beneficial for health.

Amari is cultivated in many states of the country including Madhya Pradesh. The stem of its tree is usually used to make rope. Whereas, its leaves are eaten as bhaji in Nimar. At the same time, according to Ayurveda experts, the plant of Amari is a treasure of medicinal properties. Its flowers, fruits, leaves, stem and root are all useful. However, compared to other areas, people consume its leaves as food in Nimar. Khargone’s major dishes are included.

The plant is full of medicinal properties
Khargone Ayurveda specialist Dr. Santosh Maurya says that everything generated by nature is considered a medicine. Amari plant, which is about 5 to 6 feet. Its flowers, leaf, stem everything is useful in Ayurveda. A rope is made from its stem, which is quite strong. Flowers are used to make jelly etc. Whereas, the leaves are consumed as bhaji.

Iron mineral in plenty
The special thing is that people use it throughout the year. Dry the leaves, mix it with lentils or make chutney and eat it with tide, millet bread. Not only this, in Nimar, even today, there is a tradition of eating and eating amari in Tuar Dal on the day of pavilion. Many vitamins, iron and minerals are found in Amari Bhaji, which are very beneficial for health. That’s why people eat with great fervor.


Tell me .. Bhaji makes the plant making plants, we will try to know the benefits

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